Extra Credit Blog
The lab that we did in science class, was very similar to N.J. For example,
we had to put trash, auto oil, and animal waste on the diorama. Then, we
had to...
Plasticity Lab Reflection
In science class, we did a lab to demonstrate the plasticity of Earth's
mantle. We did this by putting cornstarch and water in a beaker and mixing
them. Af...
Cornstarch/Water Experiment Conclusion
If you've ever seen the movie "The Blob," then you know the sight of a
gelatin-like goo that oozes from place to place and still maintains it's
shape. Now...
October Sky Reflection
During the school year we saw the movie *"October Sky." *This movie is
about four kids that live by the mines, and decide to make a rocket. They
also get ...
stem cell research helps HIV, AIDS
Leading AIDS researchers have used a stem cell treatment for leukemia to
remove all traces of HIV from an American man living in Berlin. This man
was treat...